
Pastors & Staff

Jim Bethany

Senior Pastor

Jim was born into a military household in Savannah, Georgia.  He lived in Hawaii as a child but has spent most of his life in Virginia, growing up in Annandale.  He graduated from Virginia Tech in 1980 and began studies at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky.  Jim and his wife Peggy, who now teaches at Carmel Christian School since retiring from teaching in the Stafford County Public Schools, were married in 1981 and then spent a year in Raton, New Mexico, where Jim was Intern Associate Pastor for Music and Youth at First Baptist Church as part of his seminary training.  Jim and Peggy returned to Louisville and Jim earned his Master of Divinity degree in 1984.  Jim and Peggy have two married sons, Adam and Jesse, who are both in areas of Christian ministry.  They also have six grandchildren.  Jim has been a solo or senior pastor since 1984. 

From the beginning, at the heart of his call to be a pastor was a desire to help to make the Church healthy.  He has always reached beyond denominational lines because he has a Kingdom mindset.  He has facilitated local ministerial associations, and Global Day of Prayer and National Day of Prayer observances.  Jim sings and plays guitar and led worship through music for many years.  He still enjoys being part of the Worship Team with other musicians at Richland.  Jim was the pastor of Fairfields Baptist Church in Northumberland County, Virginia, for just over fifteen years.  As a pastor, Jim saw firsthand how so many Christians are captive to the lies of Satan and are lacking the joy and freedom we should have in Christ, and he resolved to learn how to make a real difference, asking the Holy Spirit to teach him.  The Lord moved Jim to Stafford County, and his first Sunday as pastor of Richland Baptist Church was August 22, 1999.  When Jim was called as the pastor of Richland Baptist Church, he brought healing and deliverance ministry with him. He has a passion to see individual Christians experiencing abundant life, and the Body of Christ healthy and walking in freedom and authority so that the Church can accomplish all Jesus called us to do in his great name.  Jim has a heart to foster authentic biblical community and to train others to minister effectively as individuals and in small teams.  Through years of training, study, and extensive personal experience in ministering freedom, Jim has developed a highly effective ministry style which emphasizes ministering the love of the Father with quiet authority in Jesus’ name and a dependence upon the guidance of the Holy Spirit.  He is constantly learning and integrating new insights into making the ministry more effective.  In September of 2011 Jim founded The Church Unchained: LukeNine1&2 Ministries (TCU) as a separate 501(c)(3) ministry in partnership with Richland Baptist Church.  This was done because he saw the tremendous need for this kind of ministry throughout the larger Body of Christ and he recognized the need to overcome the limitations on such a ministry which are often associated with being closely identified with a specific church or denomination.  Thorough and comprehensive ministry to the whole person with a systematic dismantling of the devil’s lies and the removal of demonic interference in the life of the believer is at the heart of The Church Unchained’s approach to healing and deliverance.  People have come from all over the region, as well as other states and countries, to be ministered to.  Jim has ministered in Mexico, Mozambique, Israel, Kenya, Guatemala, the Philippines, and India (where he has a special, ongoing partnership with an emphasis on ministering healing and deliverance, training of pastors, encouraging churches, and praying for and feeding widows, orphans, and lepers).  The teams The Church Unchained: LukeNine1&2 Ministries and Richland Baptist Church have sent have seen God do amazing things in India, with thousands of people receiving healing, and the manifestation of miracles. Many who have experienced wounding in other churches have found Richland a safe place to heal, and it gives Jim great pleasure that Richland Baptist is a place where people experience the presence of God and receive healing in all forms as they are discipled to work to expand the kingdom of God.

Kerry Marin

Church Administrator

Kerry joined our staff June 2024. She was born in California and moved around with both parents being in the marines. She moved to Virginia in 2001 and has since relocated to Fauquier County with her four children ages 13,8,5 and 1.

Her passion is to spend quality time with her children and watching her son play baseball. She also works at Sport Clips as an Assistant Manager and loves working with the community. She is grateful to have the opportunity to be at Richland.

Terri Eagal

Church Administrator

Terri joined our staff October of 2022. Born and raised in Virginia, she met her husband here. They have 4 children and 14 grandchildren. They also have a large dog and enjoy outside activities together; camping, hiking & kayaking. Terri has been an Administrator for many years; first within the government and then within the church. She accepted Christ as her Lord and Savior at the young age of 19 and is grateful for the opportunity to serve Him in this role at Richland Baptist.

Bryana Reynolds

Preschool Director

Bryana is the Director of Richland Baptist Church Preschool. She is a mother of three and holds a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice with a minor in Forensics. She has extensive education, training, and experience in Early Childhood Education and a passion for working with children and families. In her spare time, she enjoys kayaking, shopping, and spending time with her family and friends, especially back home in VT. Bryana feels blessed to serve the Lord Jesus Christ and the families of RBCP. Her goal is to provide exceptional childcare and high-quality education to the children RBCP serves. She believes providing such care to students in a safe, nurturing, respectful, and inclusive environment, helps build the foundation for life-long learning and achievements.

Tari Foltz

Worship Director

Tari fell in love with Jesus on June 8, 1998 at the age of 29.

She started playing piano at the age of 35 and the rest is history!
In addition to loving Jesus, she loves her husband, Jeff, and their three sons.

She has a passion for unity among the churches, worship, and prayer!  She is a Level II graduate of In Christ’s Image Training School and gets excited to see others walking in Christ likeness and Christ-centered destiny. Tari believes that walking with Jesus is the absolute best adventure and can’t wait for our area to be transformed by the love of God! And...she thinks s’mores are pretty great too!

Sharlene Kraus

Children's Director

Sharlene was born and has lived her entire life in Hartwood, Virginia. She came to Richland Baptist Church as a newborn. Her parents were active members of Richland Baptist Church. Many of her ancestors were also members of Richland Baptist Church. She accepted Christ as her Savior when she was twelve years old.

She has two grown sons, Carson and Carter. Her son Carson is married to Monica (Sharlene's daughter-in-law). One of Sharlene's favorite things in life is to get hugs from her two sons.

Sharlene graduated from Stafford Senior High School. She earned her Associates degree from Germanna Community College and her Bachelor degree from Mary Washington College: University of Mary Washington. She worked at the local Kmart for 27 years, until February 2017, when it closed. She has been a preschool teacher at Richland Baptist Church Preschool since 2009 and loves every minute of the job.

Sharlene is a very active church member at Richland Baptist. She has served in Children Groups, as a Sunday School teacher for several ages of children and youth, as well as youth groups, leader of Mission Friends, leader of Children-in-action, and as a teacher/director of Vacation Bible School for over 35 years. She has also served in  adult groups, serves as a deacon, been on the Finance Team, Nominating Team, and Fellowship Team. She is currently a member of the S.A.F.E. ladies group at Richland.

Outside of Richland Baptist she has served on the Fredericksburg Baptist Association as the head leader of Mission Friends, for 5 years she was a den leader for pack 579. She has volunteered at the Salvation Army Church on special occasions.

She loves to spend special times with her fellow members at Richland Baptist Church. She also loves to visit other friends and family members. She loves football for all ages, but especially the High School and NFL; she loves baseball and NASCAR. She is very thankful and has the true respect for the firefighters, police and paramedics, plus all the military and their families. Her youngest son, Carter, is a National Guardsman for the Army.
She loves to spend time with children to teach and show them the love of Christ. She feels if they start loving and worshiping Christ when they are young that when they grow up it will be easier for them to seek Him first in everything that they do in life.

Matt Melone

Associate Pastor for Family Life (Part-Time)

Matt grew up in the church, he was taught when the church doors are open, you should be in them! His family has been a huge influence in his life, learning from his older siblings and parents. As a 12-year-old young man, he acknowledged his sin and need of a Savior. At age 12 he gave his life to Christ and received the love and forgiveness that only Jesus can give. Matt continued to grow in his walk with the Lord throughout high school and into college.

Matt’s mind and focus was clouded by athletics as he got older and into college. As a sophomore in college, the Lord convicted him of the distractions. He showed him exactly what he wanted him to focus on and what He wanted for the rest of his life. In December 2008, Matt changed his major to study and prepare himself to go into the ministry. In December 2010 he graduated from Ferrum College. In the spring of 2011, he started his first job in the church, at

Northwest Baptist Church. He worked there for 4 years in the student ministry. After his time serving in the youth ministry, he felt the Lord moving him into more of a pastorate roll.  In August of 2014, he had the privilege of speaking at different churches throughout the county. In Spring of 2015, God called his family to Pastor at King Street Baptist Church in Cocoa Fl. Matt and his family served there for close to three years. After their time at KSBC, God called his family back to Virginia and now they are serving at Richland Baptist where he is the Youth/Young Adult minister.
In spring 2009, in college, Matt met the woman he would eventually marry, Ann Michelle. They began to date in college. When they graduated they decided to move to Florida. On April 15, 2011, he asked Ann Michelle Bolt to marry him. She said Yes! October 1, 2011, Matt and Ann Michelle were married. They have two children, Averie and Hudson.
The Ministry
Matt believes ministry is about getting the name of Jesus out to people. He believes all people are born with a void in their heart that only Jesus can fill. He takes the Great Commission more as a command from Jesus. He has called all believers to proclaim the Gospel. Matts favorite verse and ministry focus are found in Acts.
Acts 4:13 states: "When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished, and they took note that these men had been with Jesus." The disciples were simple people, just ordinary guys who relied on Jesus, had a willingness to make his name known, and because of these courageous yet “unschooled, ordinary men”, the gospel message spread and the church grew. Matt believes each of us has our own personal ministry, doesn’t matter how big or small, only thing that matters is what name we are lifting up and making known.
Church is made up of people, church isn’t a building. Matt believes the key to church is making the name of Christ known.  He believes in loving the community and serving the community. Each church needs to ask themselves the question: if this church wasn’t here, would the community miss it?
Matt bases his ministry on what the Word of God says, not what any one person says. We need Gods word, not man-made traditions, laws, rules etc. We simply need to find what the Bible says and yield who the church is, and who we are to His Word!