Interested in Hosting a Life Group?

- First, inform the pastors so we can begin to pray and talk with you about what God has laid upon your heart.
-We may know of others who share the same interest or who are looking to be a part of a group.
-Start talking about it with others and looking at different study options, as well as, host home and/or facilitator options.
-Pray, Pray, Pray! When ready we will start publicizing it in the church.
-You and others in the core group will start inviting neighbors and friends. 

What are the Primary Responsibilities of a Facilitator? 

-Prepare for weekly meetings.
-Organize and lead the group’s discussion.
-Pray for, care for, and encourage the people in your group in their development as followers of Christ.
-Encourage your group to stay outreach focused both through inviting and serving.
-Identify potential leaders/facilitators in your group.
-Develop and apprentice leader/facilitators from within your group.

What are the Primary Responsibilities of a Host Home (Host)?

-Coordinate and communicate weekly Life Group meeting details (location, meal coordination, child care plans if necessary, etc.)
-Coordinate Life Group service projects, game nights, or other fellowship activities.
-Track attendance and follow-up with others in the group when necessary.
-Keep your group database up to date and provide information to the pastors.