Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know what Life Groups are presently available or soon coming?

-We will publicize all new starting Life Groups in the bulletin, on our website, and on Sunday mornings.
-To join a Life Group sign-up on the bulletin board or contact the host and/or facilitator of the group you wish to join.
-The host or facilitator will get back to you with all the necessary information.

How do I Pick the Perfect Life Group?

-You Can’t.
-There’s no such thing as the “perfect group” because Life Groups are full of people, and people aren’t perfect. You can choose a Life Group that’s close to your home, fits your schedule, have mutual friends, or the present study interests you.  All are possible considerations, but most of all we want to encourage you to join a Life Group. You’ll be glad you did.

What about Children? Is child care provided?

-Each Life Group is responsible for providing their own childcare. Depending on the age of the children, some groups may include them in some part of the group time and then separate them in another room.
-Some other suggestions are parents chipping in together to hire a babysitter either at the place they meet or at a nearby home. Each group can decide how to handle this issue in the most appropriate way for their group.
-If you sign-up for a Life Group and have children please make sure the host home/facilitator is aware so it can be discussed and preparations made for child care prior to the time of meeting.

What do I do if I want to start a Life Group?

-First, inform the pastors so we can begin to pray and talk with you about what God has laid upon your heart.
-We may know of others who share the same interest or who are looking to be a part of a group.
-Start talking about it with others and looking at different study options, as well as, host home and/or facilitator options.
-Pray, Pray, Pray! When ready we will start publicizing it in the church.
-You and others in the core group will start inviting neighbors and friends.

What if I don’t like the Life Group I’m in?

-It’s common to feel a bit uncomfortable the first few weeks in a new group. We suggest staying in your Life Group for at least 5-6 meetings before making a decision to leave.
-If a change needs to be made just let the pastors know and we can discuss other options.

How do we determine what study each Life Group will do?

-The initial selection is made by the facilitator and hosts.
-Once a group is formed and active all future studies will be discussed with the entire group.
-All studies must be discussed and agreed upon by the pastors.
-It is the desire of the pastors that all studies are from prepared curriculum by a creditable organization.

Who pays for the study material?

-The church will purchase the leader’s kit for a study.
-We ask that participants purchase their own participation books. If there is a problem with finances, please let the host or facilitator know and they will discuss it with the pastors. We want to make sure there are no barriers keeping people from coming.
-The cost for books will be posted when a study is publicized.

What are the primary responsibilities of the host home (host)?

-Coordinate and communicate weekly Life Group meeting details (location, meal coordination, child care plans if necessary, etc.)
-Coordinate Life Group service projects, game nights, or other fellowship activities.
-Track attendance and follow-up with others in the group when necessary.
-Keep your group database up to date and provide information to the pastors.

What happens when our Life Group gets too large?

-Every group should be looking to grow through inviting and encouraging others to come both in and outside the church. If a group starts to grow above 12/14 then we would want to entertain discussions with the leadership on how to branch off and start another Life Group.
-We want to stay mission minded with the understanding and intent that every Life Group should look to grow only to break-off and form another Life Group in the future.
-Encourage others to consider facilitating or hosting so they become more comfortable with these roles. This will better equip everyone for growth as it is needed.

What are the primary responsibilities of the facilitator?

-Prepare for weekly meetings.
-Organize and lead the group’s discussion.
-Pray for, care for, and encourage the people in your group in their development as followers of Christ.
-Encourage your group to stay outreach focused both through inviting and serving.
-Identify potential leaders/facilitators in your group.
-Develop and apprentice leader/facilitators from within your group.